Atanu Ghosh

I enjoy creating web and मोबाइल products.

software engineer based in India

I prioritize client collaboration, fostering open communication
I'm very flexible with time zone communications
I constantly try to improve
My tech stack
React NatiPyTorchNodeJSNextJSPython
Tech enthusiast with a passion for development.
The Inside Scoop
Currently exploring around LLMs
Want to work together? Let's connect!

My Journey ?

(Disclaimer: This is not my resume.)

Early 2024

2024 arrived faster than I expected—my final year of college. I was thrilled to land a job as a Systems Engineer at TCS. This year, I delved even deeper into machine learning, and my final year project was the highlight. Along with my teammates, I worked on developing a morphological spine shape detection and classification model. It was a challenging project, full of late-night brainstorming sessions and moments of frustration—especially when we couldn’t get super-resolution images from the microscope. But through it all, I had an amazing team and mentors guiding me. And yes, I also discovered something important about myself during this time—I hate biology! 😄


2023 was a year full of adventures. It was my pre-final year, and I enjoyed every bit of it. I finally got to dive deep into subjects I had always been passionate about. This was also the year I started exploring machine learning and deep learning—fields that fascinated me and laid the groundwork for future projects. On the professional front, I interned at Persistent Systems, where I gained valuable experience in Python, DBMS, and Linux. I also attended a bunch of summer music festivals and partied a lot—because why not, right? 😎 But as the year progressed, reality hit me—it was time to start applying for full-time roles. The job hunt was -TOUGH. I faced rejection after rejection, especially in HR rounds. I later understood that my HR rounds which according to me went the BEST were actually a total disaster T_T . And by the end of the year, I had grown both personally and professionally.


As 2022 rolled around, things started to get back to normal. Finally, it was time to step foot on campus and experience college in person. Living alone for the first time was both thrilling and daunting. But I loved it, and it marked a turning point in my life. I began to grow out of my introverted shell, made a bunch of new friends, and before I knew it, the year was over. During this time, I also interned as a Graphic Designer with Humans For Humanity, where I collaborated with various teams to create graphics that boosted social media engagement.


Then came 2021, and with it, the world turned upside down. COVID-19 had everything in lockdown, and my college life started online. Those first few semesters were all about virtual classes and figuring out how to learn in this new reality. To keep my sanity, I kicked around a football whenever I could. But that wasn’t all—I dove headfirst into web development, especially ReactJS, and tried my hand at competitive coding. Meanwhile, I also worked on a freelance project, this time as a Python Developer, where I developed automated scripts to extract data, which was quite a fun challenge. Let’s just say the coding competitions didn’t go as planned—absolute disaster! But hey, I learned a lot from it.


2020 was a milestone year for me. I graduated from high school with a 94.5% and embarked on my college journey, pursuing a degree in Information Technology. That year, I made my first project—a basic interpreter. It wasn’t just the code that needed refining; my project paper was too “thin” for the external examiner’s liking. I got scolded—can you believe it? 😄